March 09, 2005

Insane vans

In Japan, it's not always wise to specify a bodykit... case you end up looking like a twat

Apparently reverse parking assist puts three grand on the used value

Clearly this guy couldn't afford the paint job too

06:05 AM in Carbage | Permalink

February 09, 2005

Motorised pram

Motorised pram

Meet 'Bumblar' - a state-of-the-art design, we think you'll agree. It's comprised mainly of plywood, has a tasteful crushed-velvet interior (or is that exterior?) and has a pant-soiling top speed of over 70mph…

06:13 AM in Carbage | Permalink

November 25, 2004


The creator of this arty paintjob is probably a few pieces short of a full jigsaw.

06:07 AM in Carbage | Permalink

November 17, 2004

Barbie SLR

Doll and accessories not included.

06:05 AM in Carbage | Permalink

October 30, 2004

Carbage: Comedy Corolla

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Mercedes Corolla special edition. Nice

07:05 AM in Carbage, Corolla | Permalink

October 23, 2004

Carbage: Not so Swift Suzuki

There's optimism and there's blind optimism...

07:03 AM in Carbage, Suzuki | Permalink