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October 17, 2004
The Choice: 2004
The Choice: 2004. Frontline documentary. First aired on PBS earlier this week, the full two-hours is now available online. Examines the lives of Sen. John Kerry and President Bush -- from their days at Yale through their military experience and the political world. NPR interview about the show.
October 17, 2004 in World News | Permalink
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I saw it and was disappointed. It seemed a bit biased to me.
Posted by: Little Island | Oct 19, 2004 4:30:32 PM
I watched it and it was wonderful! Thanks for the link.
Posted by: Nia | Oct 18, 2004 3:09:04 AM
I watched it and it was wonderful! Thanks for the link. I just covered my ears when I heard something positive about Bush's life.
Posted by: Nia | Oct 18, 2004 3:00:48 AM
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