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May 20, 2005

Seymour Topping

I am very pleased, as predicted in January, Seymour Topping and his book Book.JPG FATAL CROSSROADS: A Novel of Vietnam 1945 are making waves.

May 20, 2005 in Books, Columnists, History | Permalink


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whoa... u sure got an eye for good lit..

Posted by: lucidly awake | May 20, 2005 11:45:32 AM

Great coverage of Seymour Topping's historical novel! It concerns a period of history that should not be forgotten. It was exciting and educational to hit all the links and magically learn about the author as well as his book. Sensational stuff.. Many thanks.

Posted by: Elaine | May 20, 2005 9:59:45 AM

You do know how to pick 'em!

Posted by: Judith | May 20, 2005 9:41:21 AM

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