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August 12, 2005

Clarification of my publishing policy

1. Clarification of my publishing policy

Because of some intemperate comments from some of you, it seemed to me appropriate to explain my views on publication of literature that is either in the public domain, or readily available from many easily accessible sources. It is simple: anyone may disseminate such material and the only credit that need be given is to the original author. I have not felt it necessary to credit libraries, textbooks, newspapers or anthologies as previous disseminators of poems, and I have a similar policy toward my fellow electronic disseminators. Naturally, if someone has written the poems he publishes on his blog, I must ask his permission before I quote him; or if someone has himself translated a poem by someone else, I will ask his permission. But no-one in the blogging world feels it is at all necessary to credit other bloggers for having disseminated well-known and readily available material. For one thing, on what grounds would blogger A suppose blogger B obtained the poem from him, rather than from a library or a textbook? And for another, simply quoting someone else's work, without having added anything to it, gives no one any rights in it. Obviously.

2. Because of the intemperate nature of some of the comments I have received - from very few persons, I am happy to say, since most of you are sweet-natured and supportive, and a joy to hear from - I am now screening the comments which will appear on my blog. Since I have very little time lately to spend on what is only a hobby, undertaken for the love of the literature, this may mean that even your sweet-natured and supportive comments may be slow to appear. That is too bad, but we all know how some people can spoil a pleasant situation for all the rest. Please bear with me and all this will pass

You friend and fellow lover of Gujarati poetry, SV

August 12, 2005 in વિચારો (vicharo) | Permalink


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Cannot Copy & keep with us such precious Poetries.

Posted by: Subhash Patel | Oct 18, 2005 5:22:27 PM

Good work keep it up! Let the barking dogs bark!

Posted by: તૂષાર | Sep 8, 2005 9:37:27 AM

SV, Keep Good Work on! People will always make obstacles in Good work, but never take look at them. Carry on your work!

Posted by: Kartik Mistry | Sep 5, 2005 1:21:41 PM

Hey SV, I understand your point mate although I have'nt read the comments that you are referring to. But don't get disheartened and keep up your good work. Very best luck.

Posted by: Tejas Patel | Aug 18, 2005 6:26:59 AM

I refrain from commenting on any blogs but for this I totally agree with what you are saying. I have seen the comment you mentioned and was definitely done in bad taste and was illogical and irrational. But what amazed me, is the grace and maturity you handled the situation (without mentioning the person, or maligning). That is a quality to cherish and I respect you for that. To me that is the difference between the two bloggers.

You may never see me comment but am a regular reader of your blog. You are doing good work; don't let minor irritants bother you.

Posted by: Avinash | Aug 16, 2005 7:36:18 PM

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