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September 02, 2005
દલપતરામ - ઊંટ
ઊંટ કહે: આ સભામાં, વાંકાં અંગવાળાં ભૂંડા;
ભૂતળમાં પક્ષીઓ ને પશુઓ અપાર છે;
બગલાની ડોક વાંકી, પોપટની ચાંચ વાંકી;
કૂતરાની પૂછ્ડીનો, વાંકો વિસ્તાર છે.
વારણની સૂંઢ વાંકી, વાઘના છે નખ વાંકા;
ભેંસને તો શિર વાંકાં, શિંગડાનો ભાર છે.
સાંભળી શિયાળ બોલ્યું, દાખે દલપતરામ;
“અન્યનું તો એક વાંકું, આપનાં અઢાર છે ”
- દલપતરામ (Dalpatram - Uut Poems in Gujarati. Literature and art site)
September 2, 2005 in કવિતા (kavita), બાળ ગીતો (bal geeto), લોક સાહિત્ય (lok sahitya) | Permalink
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aaa kavita vachine maru dil ubharai aavyu. I like to read more kavita of this types.
Posted by: girish shah | Oct 29, 2005 2:25:56 PM
aaa kavita vachine maru dil ubharai aavyu. I like to read more kavita of this types.
Posted by: girish shah | Oct 29, 2005 2:24:15 PM
Very nice, use to recite this in school. Now my kids study in English medium and do not have Gujarati as a language and I feel they are missing all these.
Posted by: Anita | Sep 2, 2005 2:20:47 PM
Wah bhai wah , I read this little poem to my grand-kids. As Pancham said it is so relevant even today.
Posted by: Abdul F Khatri | Sep 2, 2005 2:18:56 PM
Very nice old poem with a universal relevance till date.
It is in 'Manahar Chhand'. Total 31 words in a couplet. 16 word in first line and 15 in the second. Though, it is a 'chhand' there is no fixed structure of 'Laghu-la' and 'Guru-Ga'.
However, it requires a unique way of slow receitation such athat all words are pronounced as 'Guru-Ga'.
Posted by: Pancham Shukla | Sep 2, 2005 10:26:40 AM
Aa kavita vaanchine ghano j aanand thayo. Baalpan maan vancheli kavita hun ghana vakhat thee shodhato hato pan aaje mali gayi. Aabhar. Shun kashek thee kavita "mahasagar" shodhi shaksho tame? it goes like
"khara khar us jeva aachha aachha tel,
poni duniya upar eva paani relam chhel
aaro ke ovaaro nahi, saamo to kinaro nahi.."
Posted by: Nishit | Sep 2, 2005 9:01:33 AM
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