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March 21, 2005

Can-Spam Reports No Change in Compliance

MX Logic, Inc., a provider of email defense solutions, today issued its monthly statistics on corporate email security, which stated that there is no change in compliance from January report.

MX Logic reported that on average 5 percent of all spam through the email defense company's Threat Center during February complied with the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM Act). Compliance with the federal anti-spam act has consistently hovered in the low single digits, compliance peaking at 7 percent in December 2004 and November 2004 and reaching a low of 0.54 percent in July 2004.

MX Logic believes that CAN-SPAM is a part of an overall anti-spam arsenal that must also include technology solutions, end-user education and industry cooperation to improve identity and security protocols on the Internet.

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