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March 24, 2005

Host Color Upgrades Its E-mail Service

Host Color (www.hostcolor.com), a shared web hosting provider, has recently upgraded its e-mail service with a special anti-spam solution installed in its US Data Center.

Now customers can benefit from advanced antivirus and anti-spam e-mail scanning. The new system uses Clam antivirus and SpamAssassin - two leading Linux e-mail protection solutions. They are deployed on a specialized server which maximizes their performance.

"Generally anti-virus and especially anti-spam scanning require a lot of system resource. Running those services on a shared hosting server is bound to harm performance. That's why we devised an e-mail scanning solution that does not take up the server's resource. An out of server e-mail scanner also has much quicker learning capabilities. This means that it constantly upgrades its definitions of which messages can be considered spam." says Host Color's software development engineer Venelin Mihaylov .

The new system also allows the site owners to turn the scanning features off through Host Color's Next Color control panel. Another addition to the e-mail service is the personalized and configurable catch-all e-mail aliases.

"We are now entering a new phase of development of our service. We not only aim to innovate and integrate our service; we also want to build a user friendly and seamless customer experience. This can be done by making our services as intuitive and user friendly as possible. We will also provide complete tutorials and high-quality customer support to all our customer." adds Mr. Mihaylov.

06:04 AM in Info | Permalink