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April 18, 2005

Globat Web Hosting Review

Price Value 10/10
Performance 8/10
Reliability 8/10
Customer Support 8/10
Control Panel 7/10
User Feedback 8/10

Overall Score: 92%


Globat hosting is a niche hosting company dedicated to providing small and medium sized businesses, small organizations, web design novices and experienced webmasters with web hosting solutions at a lower cost than most of their competitors. This company has really moved up the charts in recent months due to excellent user feedback we have been recieving from our members, and an ever increasing feature set for web hosting. They have simply become the premier hosting company on the Internet. For example, their unlimited MYSQL databases is an attractive featue. Globat has excellent customer service and commitment to enhancing its hosting features while maintaining a high-value low-cost service.


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06:07 AM in Web Hosting Companies | Permalink