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June 21, 2005

FastServers Goes All In at HostingCon

Since Web Hosting Expo in 2001, the hosting business has been more on the periphery of Internet and telecommunications conferences, somewhat removed from the spotlight. HostingCon 2005 (hostingcon.com), held earlier this month in Chicago, was the first conference in four years to make Web hosting its primary focus, and it presented hosts with a unique marketing opportunity.

The exhibit hall at HostingCon featured nearly 50 booths and included some rather elaborate displays, such as Microsoft's miniature theatre and EV1Servers's video bowling simulation. But the booth that drew the largest amount of attention belonged to Chicago-headquartered FastServers.Net (fastservers.net). The company set up a makeshift casino, complete with blackjack and poker tables and FastServers employees sitting in as dealers. The company also hosted an after hours party at a posh nightspot on the last night of the event, opening the bar to all its guests.


06:09 AM in Servers | Permalink