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September 27, 2005

The Wi-Fi World

It's already well understood that the Internet is everywhere – we refer, after all, to the World Wide Web. But wireless networking technology added a new sort of ubiquity to the Internet, making it accessible in a new, and even more pervasive way. Now, the network really is everywhere, as wireless routers project their invisible signals from even the most unassuming spots.

The development and proliferation of wireless hot spots means that a traveling worker with a wi-fi-capable laptop, or other device, is rarely more than a few blocks from tapping into an available network.

Companies providing commercial hot spots cater to those traveling types, setting up connecting points at airports, hotels and cafes around the world – and countless stores, restaurants and other services have set up their own independent networks, often allowing access for free.


06:01 AM in Web/Tech | Permalink